Tenants looking for houses to rent off campus have limited resources to find the property they are seeking. Rentals Online has made it easy for students and young professionals to find your house rentals by the free search feature. Renters can find thousands of properties nationwide.
Visit our Rental Search page to find houses for rent that have been listed by owners or property managers.Who will see your listing?
RentalsOnline.com receives over 200,000 unique visitors per month. We
have a network of over 2,000 sites that link to this site so renters can find your listing.
The site is also highly ranked in all the major search engines such as Google, Yahoo & MSN
for search terms like "Houses for Rent", "Home Rentals", "Apartments for Rent",
"Homes for Rent", "Apartments" along with hundreds of other terms.
What is included in a listing?
Listings on this site are viewable 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. You
can keep your listing active as long as you need for up to one year. All listings include
complete property details, features, descriptions, photos, a map and contact information.
You can make changes, add updated photos, or delete your listing once the property is rented. Opening an account for a single property or a mult-unit dwelling listing is only $39, or See more on pricing.
Once you open an account, you will get your own web page where you can find out how many people visited your listings, along with some great "member only" features. Take a tour of our site and see how easy it is to open an account.
How can you get your house for rent on this site?
Listing a property is easy. Just go to our "List a Property" page, select "list a single property" under
new members, then complete the form. Your property will be listed immediately.
Visit our List a Property page
to add your rental houses to this site.
Please visit RentalsOnline.com often to see our latest updates and features.