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Centerton Apartments for Rent

About Centerton

Renting an apartment in Centerton AR would be an ideal option if you plant to work at the Wal-Mart Home Office located in Bentonville just a few miles east of this town. You can easily make your way down to Route 12 which will lead you to downtown Rogers where you will find lots of shopping, museums and attractions. Along the way you will pass the Northwest Medical Center of Bentonville.

Located in the northwest corner of the state, Centerton is also just 20 miles from Springdale and 30 miles from Fayetteville where you can find the University of Arkansas.

Centerton Boulevard is one of the main roadways through community where you will find some shops and dining spots. You can also use it to travel east towards more extensive shopping in Bentonville and the Interstate. One way to get into the spirit of living here is to join the activities at the annual Spring Festival where you can enjoy local music, food and family fun.

While renting in Centerton, you may want to visit the Wal-Mart Visitor Center where you can learn about the history of the popular marketplace. At the Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art set within 120 acres of forests and gardens you can see an extensive collection of American masterworks dating back to the Colonial era.

Average Rent in Centerton, AR

The following chart shows the average rent for an apartment in Centerton, AR and nearby cities:

1 BR 2 BR
Centerton (4) $655 $768
Apartments near Centerton


Centerton, AR Apartments And Rentals

There are 4 rentals and apartments in Centerton, AR and nearby communities

Stoneleigh Centerton Apartments
Rent:  $599-$799
Bedrooms:  1-2

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Centerton Apartments

Centerton Apartments
501 East Centerton Blvd.

Centerton, AR 72719

(0.5 miles)
Rent:  $599-$849
Bedrooms:  1-2

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Pomeroy Place Apartments

Pomeroy Place Apartments
112 Sadie Ln
Centerton, AR 72719

(0.4 miles)

Call: 479-795-0265

Stoneleigh Centerton Apartments

Stoneleigh Centerton Apartments
501 E Centerton Blvd
Centerton, AR 72719

(0.5 miles)

Call: 479-795-0414