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Forest Apartments for Rent

About Forest

If you are looking for a place to live near Lynchburg College or Liberty University, an apartment in Forest Virginia may be a good location for you. The city is situated directly south of Lynchburg with the southern tip near US Highway 460.

Within a few minutes of your Forest VA apartment you will be able to get to the River Ridge Mall for a full afternoon of shopping among dozens of stores.

One major visitor attraction in Forest VA is Thomas Jefferson's summer home called Poplar Forest. You can visit the site to tour the home and grounds which is a nice way to spend an afternoon. The city is home to several golf courses and within a half hour or so of the Blue Ridge Parkway where you can enjoy a long scenic drive in the mountains.

When you need to take a trip out of town, travel down Greenview Drive to the Lynchburg Regional Airport which has service to several major cities.

A post office in Forest is located at 17869 Forest Road. The phone number is 434-384-8064.

Average Rent in Forest, VA

The following chart shows the average rent for an apartment in Forest, VA and nearby cities:

1 BR 2 BR
Forest (4) $704 $835
Lynchburg (46) $601 $685
Madison Heights (3) $556
Vinton (8) $493 $558


Forest, VA Apartments And Rentals

There are 4 rentals and apartments in Forest, VA and nearby communities

The Gables of Jefferson Commons
Rent:  $825-$925
Bedrooms:  2-3

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Jefferson Ridge Townhomes

Jefferson Ridge Townhomes
136 Jefferson Ridge Rd

Forest, VA 24551

(1.5 miles)
Rent:  $530-$900
Bedrooms:  1-3

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Jefferson Forest Manor

Jefferson Forest Manor
Glade Springs Rd.

Forest, VA 24551

(1.6 miles)
Rent:  $815-$910
Bedrooms:  2-3

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37 West

37 West
27 Odara Drive

Forest, VA 24551

(3.2 miles)
Rent:  $755-$1,120
Bedrooms:  1-3

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